
pořad: SOBOTA 22:00-24:00 THE WORKOUT


Světoběžník DJ Tuco byl stálicí britské klubové scény od konce 90. let, ale před časem přesídlil do Prahy. Zkušenosti sbíral po celém světě od Hong Kongu po Sydney, od Ruska po Rio a jinde. Vystupoval na stadionech s Wu Tang Clan a Busta Rhymesem i v klubech s DJ Shadowem, Diplem a stovkami dalších.

Kromě pravidelné likvidace parketu svými jedinečnými a neotřelými sety, pracuje také na vlastní produkci a remixech a podílí se na chodu labelu Meanbucket, který je zásadním hráčem na poli Ghetto a Bass music.

Globe trotting DJ Tuco has been a fixture in UK club scene since the late 90’s but since has uprooted and resettled in Prague. His vast experience has been gathered from Djing across the world from Tokyo, Hong Kong to Sydney, Russia to Rio & beyond. He has shared stages with a variety of names as diverse as stadium shows with Wu Tang Clan and Busta Rhymes to club gigs with the likes of Dj Shadow, Diplo, Major Lazer and literally hundreds more!

Not only tearing down clubs with his interesting and unique DJ sets, Tuco’s tracks and remixes have also gained support worldwide and the Meanbucket label he co-runs is being cemented as one of Europe’s premier imprints in ghetto, club and Bass music.


